101 in 1001 2.0

“If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.”
― Coco Chanel

It’s a Bank Holiday weekend, what better way to celebrate than with the opposite of relaxing! My second 101 in 1001 Days goal list is up and running, kittens! And ironically, some of those goals will be kicking off a lot sooner than even I anticipated…more on that later (she said, cryptically). I’d be curious as your thoughts on this 2.0 version, ducklings.


As mentioned in my update post, I learned a lot about how I either achieve or give up on goals out of this project and I’m actually more excited to try to set up my next attempt than I was at my first. This time around I’ve got large overriding goals (like working on a manuscript) and I’ve got smaller ones that will help contribute to them (such as writing a set number of words a day for a month). Instead of committing to massive health goals, I’ve committed to several months worth of smaller goals like trying new dance classes, doing a yoga program, working towards a weight to lift, and trying an elimination diet as I’ve felt that my body is increasingly responding badly to some kinds of foods (looking at you sugar…).  I’ve migrated several of the goals I didn’t accomplish last time to this list as I still want to achieve them

One of the unintentional themes I’ve spotted in my new list is that I clearly want to gain some more creative skills and try new things–leading me to self-psychoanalyze that I’m feeling a bit in a rut and ready to shake things up. I also realized that a lot of my goals have to do with visiting or connecting with people, as well as budgeting. I rather like the idea that somewhat inadvertently I’ve found ways to tackle things I want to prioritize from multiple angles.

Have you ever tried this challenge, or indeed any goal setting adventure? What helped you succeed? What did you learn out of it? Do you think stuff like this is just a load of bollocks to make already ridiculous type A’s feel even more self-flagellating? Lend me your thoughts, kittens, and let’s have a productive chat and/or debate in the comments.


12 thoughts on “101 in 1001 2.0”

  1. I just read your list — and wow, that’s a lot of things to cram into 1001 days! But I guess the fun is in the journey, right? Even if you don’t accomplish everything (not that I’m saying you won’t!), it’s a fun way of getting motivated. Lists are great! 🙂

    On working out: Pilates and spin classes are my new obsessions. I go to a Pilates class where we use props (like the Arc) and it is amazing! I’ve seen that 30 day YouTube yoga challenge before, and I bookmarked it but haven’t got round to doing it…yet. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂

    On #5: I highly recommend a trip to Chatsworth in Derbyshire. Swoon-worthy house and grounds which is reputed to be Jane Austen’s inspiration for Pemberley in Pride and Prejudice.

    #11: I’ve been meaning to re-start piano again. Unfortunately, it’s one of those things that I want to do and then feel guilty about not doing.

    #20: yes! 🙂 I may have some canine-related news myself very soon…more on that to come.

    #33: Goals! My student loan statement arrived last week. Bleurgh — so. much. money.

    I think your list is admirable and I’m looking forward to following along via your blog. Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday Monday! 🙂

    1. It’s a LOT, but the reason I really liked the idea of it the first time around was that it was 3 years. That’s a long time and you can do an awful lot in three years! I probably won’t get to them all (didn’t last time…oops) but I like trying just the same.

      I really want to go to Chatsworth! And you were absolutely the inspiration behind the piano goal, by the way. Cannot wait for pup-related news as unfortunately I might have to shelve this goal due to househunting reasons…but I’m happy to live vicariously through you! 😉

      1. When you phrase it like that, three years sounds a lot longer than 1001 days. I guess perspective is everything. 🙂

        Aww thanks, I’m glad that I helped inspire you to take up piano again. 🙂 If only I had more inspiration myself…too much to do, not enough time.

  2. Well, you do have 3 years to do it all…:-)

    I agree with Grace about spin class. It sounds useless but it’s one of the very rare things I’ve found that I’m sticking to and enjoying that WORKS.

    I think any of the European-related travel is 100% do-able, so those are easy.

    Africa is worth every single penny; I went to Kenya and Tanzania in my late 20s and remember it as if it were (I wish!) yesterday. Astounding in every way.

    I like the breadth of these goals; I sometimes do mine annually, breaking them into categories: professional, financial, spiritual, friends/family, travel, physical. Even if I only knock off a few of each, I keep them in a computer file (goals2016, complicated!) and can review past years as well.

    I think this notion of “balance” is HUGE for workaholics (ahem), so focus 75% of your energy on personal goals, I think. You’ve done so well on the work front. Now it’s time for you.

    One of my goals for 2016 was to publish in several new-to-me places this year, and have done so now in four places, including Salon and (soon!) NYT Arts & Leisure. The more specific the goal (like your 1,000 words a day), the easier it is to get it DONE. Good luck!!!

    1. I’ve tried spin classes a couple times and didn’t love it, but that’s because I’m a wimp and they are HARD. I’ll definitely give it another try.

      You totally spotted that these are almost entirely personal, smarty. And major, major congrats for your new ground goal making this year…still four months to go!

      1. I thought I WOULD DIE in my first spin class. WTH???? Now…pfffft….I can do a 3-minute sprint easy. It really surprised me (esp at my age) how quickly I adapted to it. You build strength and stamina each time. And you MUST NOT ever compete with anyone in the class. It’s all for you.

  3. Goal-setting is something I’ve always struggled with but this method intrigues me. I like your balance of large and small goals. I’m one that has to have lots and lots of small, obtainable mini-goals within a larger goal or I just feel completely overwhelmed with the large goal. Baby steps, right?

    And if you need any help with #71 (or really any of the travelling ones), just holler! 🙂

  4. Oh I love this!! Maybe I’ll have to write up one of my own. 🙂 I love me some goal-making.

    I’ve got a couple apps I love that may help in a few of your goals: headspace for meditation. I bought myself a year subscription as a reward to myself for breastfeeding for a year (haha) and I LOVE it. It makes it feel like I’m actually progressing in meditation, not just sitting in silence for fifteen minutes a day (although that’d be fine too – I just probably wouldn’t actually ever commit to it). And for the budgeting ones: YNAB, which stands for You Need A Budget. I think it’s like 50 bucks a year but WELL worth it. We’ve fallen off the bandwagon on this one a bit, but when we were using it we were rocking the budgeting thing. It’s on my list of things to restart very soon (unemployment made it a lot harder to want to budget lol).

    I like that some of these seem to be just for fun, or just because it’s something you’re wanting to experience. I think there is huge value in that kind of stuff, and we learn a lot about ourselves that way. You work hard and need some good time to explore your ever-changing self too. Yay for you!

    1. I did the free trial of headspace but wasn’t diligent about it…perhaps I’ll give it another shot! And thank you for the budget suggestion, we need to find a system that works. We’ve never struggled with money, but that’s almost part of the problem–we’ve always been comfortable and therefore not needed to focus on money. But the flip side is that while we live within our means, we don’t save very well.

      I love your comment on the “self” being ever changing. That’s something that’s been on my mind of late.

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