“I’m Very Busy and Important!”

“A charming woman is a busy woman.”
– Loretta Young (boy, I hope this is true…)

My kittens, my ducklings, my belovedest of beloved possums!  I’ so busy these days I could gleefully indulge in a tiny breakdown…but I haven’t the time.  Last Friday I helped coordinate a small baby shower for Hennessy, two weekends ago was consumed with preparations for Pieter and Sadie’s wedding, last Saturday was an evening with J.’s family, Trixie and I are throwing Sadie’s bacherlorette party this coming Saturday, there are two birthdays within my godfamily this week, a dermatology appointment, a dentist appointment, and there’s a wedding next week the day before I fly home for Christmas.  And somehow, I still need to find time to get the oil changed for the car, finish up place cards for the wedding luncheon, and pack. Woof.

Here’s a sneaky fact about one’s husband going off abroad for grad school that no one tells you: going back to taking care of everything for oneself, without someone to share the chores, is rough.  Bone tired, constantly frazzled, get home and all one wants to do is curl up on your sofa and refuse to acknowledge the rest of the evening, rough.  But one can’t do that, because one has to shop for brie and baguettes, continue the fight against one’s ancient flat’s march towards decay, and eat every once and a while.

I’m no ingrate, busyness is a boon: it keeps me from being lonely or bored.  All I’m saying is, I could stand being a little less busy.  Luckily the Christmas vacation looms, wherein I plan on doing very little, in very good company.  How are you holding up, darlings?

2 thoughts on ““I’m Very Busy and Important!””

  1. Woo that is busy! My Christmas shopping is now complete, my kids bunk beds need putting together, and then I plan to enjoy the rest of the season while working on making a tree skirt…if that counts as relaxing.

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